Afrosolo Presents LET FREEDOM RING! Part 2 Friday, March 28, 2025 at 7:00 PM PDT
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Friday, March 28, 2025 at 7:00 PM PDT
The AfroSolo Theatre Company, a haven for Black arts, culture, intellect, and entertainment, ccordially invites you to experience LET FREEDOM RING! (Part 2):A CELEBRATION OF BLACK RESILIENCE THROUGH SOLO PERFORMANCES, featuring Douglass Haynes, Dr. Carl Blake, Augustene Phillips, Libah Sheppard, and Thomas Robert Simpson! For more information, click here.
NOTE: Advance reservations are recommended (and required for online viewing). Admission is free but donations are gratefully accepted. Links for online viewing will be sent within one day of the performance and can also be accessed through your PlayGround account at (log in, click “home” for the main menu, then “tickets for upcoming performances”, select the proper show, and choose “watch”). If you have any questions, please contact the Box Office at
Live Stream
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Berkeley CA 00000
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This is an online streaming performance. One reservation = one Zoom link good for up to two devices. Personalized Zoom links will generally be sent out the day of the event to the primary email associated with your account. For questions, contact the PlayGround Box Office at The online “lobby” for streaming events will open 15 minutes prior to start of performance.